Thursday, February 18, 2010

Concentration Stuff

So. as of now my concentration is: The deformations of people. It wasn't so much when i made these. but i still think they turned out cool. The first one is an owl. I started by drawin it with pencil then cutting it out of cardboard. I used fat paint markers to draw the owl on the carboard. Then i filled it in with paint and colored pencil and stuff. I am pleased with this one turned out. It started out as a fun experiment, now its something i actually like. I like how it turned out different than most of the other stuff i do, since they are usually of people. I enjoy the layers and the different colors. It also has a patriotic theme to it. On the upper left part of it it says "america" i dont'r eally know why. But its all painted red white and blue mostly. I thought itwas funny. I guess you can't really tell. it mostly looks white. whatever. Even though its a cut out, i feel it still has compostion and stuff inside it. I thoughtfully placed everything i did in it and i think it payed off.
Now the second one was a stencil i made. I did the drawing in my psychology class. I though it was a funny little doodle and wanted to make it way bigger, and a stencil. I got a big peice of paper. and drew it on it. then cut it out like a stencil. I wanted to make the mouth really dark, to make some contrast. So the whole thing wouldn't be a bunch of skinny outlines. I think the stencil turned out real nice, but it doesn't look as good on a canvas. It would look much better on a wall. I added a fade in the colors. It slighly fades from pink to purple. I thought that turned out nice and made the whole thing a little mor interesting. I also was very pleased with how much it ended up looking like a print, i really like that. Recently i have had a fasination with prints. I really like how they look. Overall i think this turned out alright, but it would look better with a more interesting paint job and on a wall somwhere

Monday, February 15, 2010

Dylan's Room

I painted dylan lee's room for him. finished it up today. i had some pictures from the process but i can't get them on my comp. I like how it turned out though.  he likes it too, which is good. Im gonna do more on the other walls. but this will be the biggest piece. it goes onto two walls . I think i could have made the colors more complicated. added more details. but im pleased with it. kept the letters pretty simple, i want people to be able to read it. anways. i'll be posting other piictures(better ones) and other photos of the new stuff. should be good!!

it says livestrong. 

Monday, February 1, 2010


I quit my job. now i have a lot of time to focus on my art.

and i also finished the first part of my application to pnca. i hope i get in. thats the only school im applying to . haaa.

yeah. I need to do more art. i didnt do any this weekend. i'm lackin.

nneeeed to step my game up .